Stationary Distribution

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An initial distribution \(\alpha\) for a Markov chain is a list of starting probabilities \(P(X_0 = i) = \alpha_i\), such that \(\sum_{i} \alpha_i = 1\). Then, \(P(X_{n} = i) = (\alpha P^{n})_{i}\).

Definition. We say a distribution \(\pi\) is stationary if \(\pi P = \pi\). That is, the probability distribution remains the same after a state transition.

Special Cases

The detailed balance equations are the following:

\[p_{ij}\pi_i = p_{ji}\pi_j \text{ for any states } i, j.\]

If the chain satisfies this system, then the chain is reversible and \(\pi\) is the stationary distribution. However, be warned that the stationary distribution may exist and not satisfy this system.

We say a transition matrix \(P\) is doubly stochastic if the sum across each column is exactly \(1\). In which case, the stationary distribution is uniform. That is, \(\pi = (1/m, 1/m,\dots, 1/m)\), where \(m\) is the number of states.

Positive Recurrence

Definition. Let \(C\) be a recurrent communication class. We say a recurrent communication class \(C\) is positive recurrent if the expected time of return of every \(i\in{C}\) is finite. In other words,

\[\mathbb{E}[T_{i}\mid X_{0} = i] = \sum_{n=2}^{\infty} np_{ii}^{(n)} < \infty.\]

Otherwise, we say \(C\) is null recurrent.
Note that positive recurrence is also a class property.

Remark. In the case of a finite state space, positive recurrence holds when the chain is closed.

The Big Theorem

Suppose \(\{X_{n}\}\) is ergodic (positive recurrent and aperiodic). Then, the following properties hold:

  1. There exists a unique stationary distribution.
  2. The mean time of return from \(i\) is \(1/\pi_{i}\).
  3. The proportion of time spent in any state \(i\) is \(\pi_{i}\).