Problem. \(\displaystyle \min_{x\in{C}} f(x)\), where \(f\) is continuously differentiable and \(C\) is convex.
Definition. \(\mbox{proj}_{C}(x) = \underset{z\in{C}}{\mbox{argmin}} \frac{1}{2}\|z - x\|^2\)
Proof for (3). for the third property, let \(f(z) = \frac{1}{2}\|z - x\|^2\). If \(z^* = \mbox{proj}_{C}(x)\),
\[f'(z^*; y - z^*) = \nabla f(z^*)^T(y - z^*) = (z^* - x)^T(y - z^*) \geq 0\]
for any feasible \(y\) as \(z^*\) is the global minimizer of \(f\). Then, \((x - z^*)^T(y - z^*)\leq 0\) for any \(y\in{C}\), so \((x - z^*)\in N_{C}(x)\) by definition.
Definition. The normal cone of a convex set \(C\) at a point \(x\in{C}\) is \(N_C(x) = \{g\in\mathbb{R}^n \mid g^T(z - x)\leq 0, \forall z\in{C}\}\).
Example \(C = \{x \mid Ax = b\}\): \(N_C(x) = \mbox{range}(A^T)\)