Linear Programming

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Linear Program. \(\displaystyle \min_{x} c^T x\) subject to \(Ax = b\), \(x\geq 0\)

LP Geometry

Definition. Let \(\mathcal{P} = \{x \mid Ax \leq b\}\).

Theorem. The following are equivalent statements:

Simplex Algorithm

Start with a basic variables \(\mathcal{B} = \{\beta_1,\ldots, \beta_m\}\) and nonbasic variables \(\mathcal{N} = \{\eta_1,\ldots, \eta_{n-m}\}\).

For each iteration:

  1. Solve \(Bx_B = b\) for \(x_B\)
  2. Solve \(B^T y = c_B\) for \(y\)
  3. Find all reduced costs \(z_N = c_N - N^T y\) and choose \(\eta_k\) corresponding to the variable of lowest cost
  4. Solve \(Bd_B = -a_{\eta_k}\) for the search direction \(d_{B}\)
  5. Kick the basic variable with index \(\displaystyle q = \underset{q\in\{1,\dots, m\}\mid d_{\beta_q} < 0}{\mbox{argmin}} -\frac{x_{\beta_q}}{d_{\beta_q}}\)