Linear Program. \(\displaystyle \min_{x} c^T x\) subject to
\(Ax = b\), \(x\geq 0\)
LP Geometry
Definition. Let \(\mathcal{P} = \{x \mid Ax \leq b\}\).
- \(x\) is an extreme
point of \(\mathcal{P}\) if it
is not a convex combination of other points in \(\mathcal{P}\).
- \(x\) is a vertex
if there exists \(c\neq 0\), such that
\(c^T x < c^T y\) for all \(y\in\mathcal{P}\).
- \(x\) is a basic
solution if there exists a submatrix \(\overline{A}\) of \(A\) containing only active constraints
w.r.t. \(x\), such that one of the
following equivalent conditions hold:
- \(\overline{A}\) is linearly
- \(\overline{A}x =
- \(\mbox{rank}(\overline{A}) =
Theorem. The following are equivalent
- \(x\) is an extreme point
- \(x\) is a vertex
- \(x\) is a basic feasible
Simplex Algorithm
Start with a basic variables \(\mathcal{B}
= \{\beta_1,\ldots, \beta_m\}\) and nonbasic variables \(\mathcal{N} = \{\eta_1,\ldots,
For each iteration:
- Solve \(Bx_B = b\) for \(x_B\)
- Solve \(B^T y = c_B\) for \(y\)
- Find all reduced costs \(z_N = c_N - N^T
y\) and choose \(\eta_k\)
corresponding to the variable of lowest cost
- Solve \(Bd_B = -a_{\eta_k}\) for
the search direction \(d_{B}\)
- Kick the basic variable with index \(\displaystyle q = \underset{q\in\{1,\dots, m\}\mid
d_{\beta_q} < 0}{\mbox{argmin}}